Get the Best Homemade Lentil Soup Recipe

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By admin
June 14, 2022

We get the best homemade lentil soup recipe. This is a recipe that will make you feel good and help you to have a healthy meal. We have made this soup many times and each time it gets better. This is a simple soup that can be used as a main dish or side dish. It has plenty of protein and nutrients to keep you healthy, but we also like to eat it because it tastes great!

Lentil soup is one of the tastiest and healthiest dishes that you can make. It’s also incredibly easy to make, which means you can experiment with different ingredients. This recipe uses lentils as the main ingredient, but it also has other ingredients such as carrots, onions, and celery. The soup is thickened by using flour and water.

Lentil Soup with Partridges.

Lentil Soup with Partridges.

This is a meat puree soup that benefits greatly from the addition of lentils in terms of nutrition.
Course Soup


  • 1 Partridges
  • 1/4 pound Lentils
  • 3 tbsp Butter
  • Slices of wheat bread
  • Water
  • Herbs and an onion


  • This is a meat puree soup and gains very much in nutritive qualities through the addition of the lentils: It is advantageous to take an already roasted chicken, the bones of partridges or old partridge.
  • The best meat is stripped from the bones and the latter are then crushed in a mortar and cooked 1-2 hours with soup herbs and an onion, after which the soup is strained.
  • In the meantime, cook 1/4 pound of lentils with a piece of butter is not too much water until thick, pass through a sieve and stir of partridges, take out the sinews, clean off the skin and all gristle, cut into fine slices and put into the tureen at once, because cooking will harden the meat.
  • Should there be any meat left, pound it as finey as possible. stir it into soup, letting it cook 1/4 hour longer, then pass through a strainer once more and serve very hot, pouring it over the breasts of the partridge and slices of wheat bread nicely fried in butter.

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