We have been making our German Hunter Cabbage Stew recipe for decades and it is always a favorite. We use both German hunter cabbage and red cabbages, then add in our secret ingredient that makes this stew great. The flavor of this dish is delicious!
If you like cabbage and meat, this German Hunter Cabbage Stew is for you! It’s a hearty and healthy dish made with fresh ingredients. As part of the recipe, we have also provided easy-to-follow pictures for your reference.

Hunter’s Cabbage(Jaeger-Kohl)
This hunter cabbage stew, also known as Jägerkohl, will warm your heart and nourish your body. It's a filling, flavorful comfort food that the whole family enjoys.
- white cabbage
- 1 ounce Fat pork
- 1 tbsp flour
- 1 tbsp Salt
- Potatoes
- Shred white cabbage the same as red cabbage and make a thick tart bacon sauce(see Divison R), season with pepper, taking for the sauce about 1 ounce of fat pork and a heaping teaspoonful of fine flour for each person.
- Put nicely washed potatoes on the fire in a medium sized kettle with some salt; they should not be entirely covered with water.
- After the potatoe begin to cook, put in the cabbage evenly , a little higher around the edges
- Add whatever salt may still is necessary, pour the sauce over the cabbage , cover tightly and cook until the potatoes are thought to be entirely done.
- Lift the cover and, if, after the potatoes are done there is too much broth, then uncover the kettle and boil away the broth over a hot fire.
- Finally a good strirring must be given the cabbbage which should be of a nice consistency, quite juicy and taste pleasantly tart.
- Serve immediatly with fried sausages.