Restaurant Style Sauteed Green Peas Recipe

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By admin
June 22, 2022

Our method of cooking green peas is the best way to prepare them, because it takes advantage of their natural sweetness and allows them to retain their freshness. We use a combination of butter and olive oil for a sauteed green pea dish that’s both flavorful and healthy.

Our Sauteed Green Peas Recipe is simple, healthy, and delicious.

Green peas are a staple in the Indian diet—and rightfully so! They’re delicious, nutritious, and packed with fiber. You can use this recipe as a base for lots of different dishes. Try it in our Chicken Tikka Masala or any other curry you like!

Green Peas

Green Peas

Fresh green peas in the winter have a different taste and flavour than those available all year. These are extremely soft, somewhat sweet, and devoid of any fibrous texture.
Course Main Course


  • Green peas
  • 2 tbsp Butter
  • 1 tbsp Salt
  • 1 tbsp Sugar
  • 1/4 cup Parsley
  • 1/4 tbsp cornstarch or flour


  • Put plenty of butter in water and let it boil , throw in a shelled peas gradually , keeping the broth boiling.
  • Peas must cook in plenty of broth rapidly; cooking them too slowly or for too long tome, or letting them stand too long when done greatly impairs their flavor.
  • Shortly before serving add some salt but not too much, because the are easily over-salted ,and, if they are not sweet enough , put in a small lump of sugar.
  • Stir into them finely chopped parsley, and cornstarch or flour smoothed in water(a quater of a teaspoonful at a time).
  • Or instead of this, knead flour and butter into a small dumpling and put this with the peas as soon as they begin to boil; it dissolves graduaaly , thickens the broth somewhat and imparts a pleasant flavor to the peas.
  • If there is abundant broth, little sponge or bread dumplings can be cooked with it at the last.
  • Peas can also be cooked as directed in the second receipt for carrots, or , after boiling them in salt water, they may be stewed in cream sauce or else drench in butter and scatter chopped parsley over them
  • For a paticularly fine dish the peas may be garnished with the tails of crabs or stuffed crab shells.
  • Peas are served with roast spring chicken, veal cutlets, croquettes, raw ham, hot or cold tongue, smoked salmon , fried eels and other crisply fried fish.

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