Best Roast Beef with Dressing Recipes

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By admin
July 1, 2022

Roast beef is a classic lunch item, but it’s also one of the most complicated meals to make at home. It takes time, and if you’re not careful, the meat can turn out dry or tough. No one wants that!

Luckily for us all, we found a way to make roast beef easy and delicious: by combining our great roast beef recipe with some of our best dressing recipes. And now you can have our best roast beef with dressing recipe in just ten minutes!

We’ve taken our favorite ingredients—our homemade coleslaw and horseradish dipping sauce—and combined them into a new roast beef recipe that is so simple and delicious. All you have to do is take your favorite piece of meat, add a few herbs and spices, then cook it until it’s tender and juicy on top of our delicious herb-infused coleslaw. Then top it off with our horseradish sauce and enjoy!

Roast Beef with Dressing

Roast Beef with Dressing

Delicious roast beef salad with mustard dressing This meal is tempered by the sourness of the pickled radishes and the dressing.
Cook Time 2 hours 30 minutes
Course Main Course


  • Beef
  • A bay leaf and various soup herbs
  • 2 tbsp Broth
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • 2 Small carrots
  • 3-4 Large onions


  • Take the kernel of a beef joint and stew it until done, but not too tender, in meat broth and white wine half , adding some pieces , a bay leaf and various soup herbs. let it cool and cut slice from the top.
  • Then carefully hollow it out, leaving the walls of the meat about 1/4 of an inch thick. Heat it in the broth, chop the meat taken out of the hollow together with mushrooms very fine, mix with batter of eggs, finely chopped herbs and 2 spoonfuls of broth, and fill this dressing into the beef.
  • Cook the broth of the meat until thick, finishing it with four browned in butter and strengthen it, if necessary, with extarct of beef and Madeira; pour a part of this gravy over the meat(which has been covered with the slice first cut frm it) garnishing it with sall boiled onions; serve the rest of the gravy separately with macaroni.
  • Sour Beef (Sauerbraten). For a sour roast take a good, fat piece from the round. In the Summer let it lay in vineger 3-4 days and in the Winter 8-10 days.
  • Then add bay leaves, cloves, allspice and perhaps a few juniper berries to the vineger; put it on the stove and bring to a boil; the meat should first be freshened, then pour to boil; the meat should first be freshened, then pour over it the boiling vineger, which prevents the juices from being lost from the meat.
  • If the vineger is very sharp mix with alittle water. As onions harden in vineger they should not be added until ready to cook. In the summer the meat should be kept uncovered in a refrigerator or other cool place, turning it frequently, being vareful vot to do this with the hands.
  • Before cooking, lard the roast as follows , there of a finger, turn in a mixture of salt, pepper and ground cloves, puncture the meat all over with a sharp knife and out in the lardoons; sprinkle some more salt over the meat, but not too much -oversalting makesthe meat tough.
  • Get plenty of good fat quite hot in an iron kettle, put in the meat and allow the broth which gathers to steam away rapidly, lightly browning the meat all around, being careful to often turn it in the fat.
  • Then put a heaping tablespoonful of flour in from the side enough boiling water to cover the meat, covering the kettle at once so that none of the flavor may be lost.
  • Aftera few minutes add for a piece of meat weighing from 5 to 6 pounds, 2 small carrots, 3 to 4 large onions and a piece of rye bread crust, and if necessary some of the spiced vinegar in which the meat has laig.
  • Then cover the kettle tightly and cook slowly but uninterruptedly for about 2-2.5 hours, turning the meat during this time and occasionally lifting it with a fork without piercing.

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