The lean meat of the animal is the most tender and moist part of the animal. It is also the part that can be used for many different purposes, like larding or daubing. Lean meat is often considered to be a waste product, as it contains little fat, but in fact, it can be used in many different ways.
For example, larding is a process where the lean muscle tissue of an animal is used as a filling for another foodstuff. It is usually done with pig fat or goose fat, which are mixed with lard or suet to make a paste-like substance called lardon. The paste is then spread onto breadcrumbs and formed into balls or small pieces that are then fried in oil until golden brown.
The paste will soak up any juices from whatever it’s being served with so it won’t come out dry and bland when cooked through. You can also use this technique by itself as an appetizer or snack by dipping bread into it before frying them up!

- Meat
- 1 tbsp Salt
- Larding makes roasts juicer and improves their appearance. Use Salted water and smoked fat pork for larding.
- Use salted water and smoked fat pork for larding, taking for this purpose a piece from the shoulder, cut obliquely into pieces 1.5-2 inches wide,divide them into thin slices amd from these cut the lardoons of the size required.
- The meat which is to be larged shouls be laid on a meat board, put a lardoon into the larding needle, draw the pin and part of the fat, of which the two ends should be equal length, through the meat.
- Proceed thus until the entire piece is covered with lardoons placed at regular intervals and in as straight a line as is possible.
- The grain of the meat should be taken into consideration when larding; it must run crosswise to the larding needle , then commence a new row.
- In larding hares, put 2 rows of lardoons along each side of the back, making 4 rows in all;usually 2 are sufficient.
- Other kinds of game or poultry are larded in the same manner,but quite young and tender poultry,sweetbreads, etc., should be hardened before larding by pouring hot water over them.