If you are not familiar with braised stuffed breast of veal, this is a delicious dish that is sure to please any palate. It is made with the following ingredients: ground beef, onions, celery, carrots, potatoes, garlic cloves, salt, and pepper. The result is a delicious meal that is perfect for any occasion.
Braised stuffed breast of veal is an easy recipe to make but does take some time to prepare. It takes around 3 hours to prepare before serving depending on how many people will be eating this meal. This recipe can easily be doubled or tripled if needed depending upon how many people are eating this meal at one time!

Stuffed Breast of Veal
Traditional Northern Italian fare includes stuffed veal breast. This delicious stuffed meat is typically prepared on Sundays or during special occasions.
- 1,5 lb Veal breast
- Wheat bread
- Butter
- Take out the breast bone (it is best to let the butcher do this), wash and dry the meat, with a knife enlarge ll round the opening left through the removal of the bone, being vareful not to puncture the outer skin,
- Fill with the dressing or a dressing made of wheat bread; take a needle and thread and close the opening, rub the meat with a little salt, put it on a strong fore with plenty of butter, which van be mixed with good fat. Roast for 1.5-3hours, according to the size of the piece, basting frequently and gradually adding some strong bouillon.
- Do not neglect removing the threads when serving. Stir some cold water into the gravy and cook it until of the proper consistency.
- Breast of veal preapared in this manner is very nice when served cold for the supper table.
- After removing the threads brush the meat with the gravy which will, when cool make a brown jelly. The cold roast should be brought to the table with a Ravigote sauce.