We know that when you’re looking for the best authentic Vienna Veal Steak (Wiener-Schnitzel) recipe, you’re not going to find it on a website. That’s because we take care of our customers and make sure they get the best recipe possible. We use only the best ingredients from top-quality suppliers. And we have an experienced chef who can show you how to cook it in the correct way.
Our recipe is made using only high-quality ingredients, so you can be sure that you are getting exactly what you ordered. We also have our own factory that produces these products, so we know exactly what needs to be done to ensure maximum quality control throughout the process.

Vienna Veal Steak (Wiener-Schnitzel)
Wiener Schnitzel is a crispy breaded veal cutlet.
- 2 Eggs
- 1/2 Cup Flour
- 4 tbsp Butter
- Cut pieces the size of a small beefsteak from the center of a loin of veal, pound slightly, rub with fine salt and pepper, yurn them first in egg and flour, then in rolled crackers and fry in plenty of butter until tender.
- When serving , sprinkle the steaks with lemon juice, garnish with lemon slices and a few capers and serve with a lattice of anchovy slices and a plain fried egg.