You’re looking for the best easy ham & cheese croquettes recipe, and we’ve got it for you.
We’ve searched high and low for the very best ham & cheese croquettes recipe, and we’ve found it—and we’re sharing it with you!
You can prepare this tasty treat in just minutes, so even if you’re pressed for time, your dinner can still be on the table when you get home from work. No fussing over a hot stove or standing over a pan of boiling water—just two ingredients that are quick to prepare and taste delicious. This is a great recipe for those who want to enjoy the comfort of their childhood but in a contemporary way. These ham and cheese croquettes are super easy to make and you can use any kind of bread or breadcrumbs.

Ham Croquetts
- 3 Eggs
- 2 Ounces Grated Wheat Bread
- 3 tbsp Cream
- 1/2 tbsp Pepper
- Take ham remnants and chop them very finely with some fat, and for a soupplateful add 3 eggs, 2 ounces of grated wheat bread, 3 tablespoonfuls of cream and some pepper; mix thoroughly.
- Soak slices of wheat bread in milk and egg, cover smoothly with the meat, turn in bread and cracker crumbs and fry in butter to alight brown.
- This is a very palatable dish after the soup and is also nice when served in a middle course, or with salads, greens or beans.