We believe in providing you with the freshest, highest-quality meats that are locally sourced, humanely raised, and free of preservatives. We know how important it is to have access to the best ingredients possible—and we’re here to help you get there!
We’ve put together this list of the top whole roast suckling pig recipes we think will make your next dinner party or BBQ a success. From classics like barbecue pork to spicy renditions like chile con carne, these recipes will be sure to please even the pickiest eaters in your family.

Roast Pig
- The pig should be well cleaned, skinned and washed; cut of the feet and take out the eyes, rub inside with salt , dry the outside and pierce it lengthwise with a wooden skewer; then put it into a pan containing a little water and brush thoroughly with olive oil or apiece of fat pork.
- Puncture with a larding needle to prevent blistering. Roast pig is not basted like other roasts and salt is not sprinkled over it until it is crusted to a light brown. It is then brushed again with pork fat and after roasting for 1 hour, served hot without any gravy, putting a lemon between its jaws.
- As a side dish serve the following: First boil the lungs and then chop them finely together with the liver and the heart and simmer in butter until it is done. Stew some eshalots in butter in which a spoonful of flour has been lightly browned, stir with some meat broth to a thin pulp, add salt, nutmeg, ground cloves, lemon juice and some chopped lemon peel and cook all of this until done