Creamy Fresh Fish Pie with Cheesy Mash Recipe

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By admin
July 20, 2022

Ready to make the best fish pie in the world?

We know it’s your thing. We get it. So we want to help you make it happen.

We know that making a fish pie isn’t easy, but we also know that you can do it! Follow our simple and easy creamy fresh fish pie with cheesy mash recipe and you’ll be on your way to making the best fish pie ever!

You can make the best fish pie with this recipe!

It’s simple and easy to make, and you can use whatever ingredients you want in it.

If you’re looking for a delicious and creamy fish pie, then this is the recipe for you. With its creamy texture and rich taste of broccoli and cheese, this fish pie is sure to please your taste buds.

Fresh Fish Pie

This Fresh fish pie is the ultimate comfort food — creamy inside, crunchy on the top and simply delicious all the way through.


  • 1/2 Pound Butter
  • 1/2 tbsp Salt
  • 2 Pound Flour
  • 3/4 Pound Wheat Bread
  • 3 Pound Fish
  • 3 Eggs


  •  Clean and bone the fish, and cut it into pieces. Remove the gall livers, set the fish aside in salt for a few them into a pickle until the next day, after which they are dried with a cloth, put into a frying pan with a large piece of butter, leaving them long enough to stiffen; they must not be soft.
  • Have ready a puff or butter paste, taking 11/2-2 pounds of flour and the following forcemeat: 3 pounds of fish cleaned and boned, salt, chop finely and then heat thoroughly with the butter some chopped onions or eschalots. Add 3/4 pounds of wheat bread soaked in water and pressed, together with eggs and stir the mass over the fire until it no longer adheres to the kettle, after which let it cool. Then mix with it 1/4 pound of butter stirred to a cream, 3 more eggs, nutmeg, and finely chopped parsley.
  • If this forcemeat should be too solid, which can easily be tested by rolling a little of it into a ball and boiling it in hot water, add a little cream or cold water. Then roll the bottom crust, spread some of the forcemeat on it, cover this with pieces of the fish, put on another layer of forcemeat and so on alternately. Towards the center the contents, like those of all other pies, must be raised somewhat, the last layer of forcemeat be covered with pork fat slices, and a round opening left in the middle of the contents of the pie.
  • For the rest, the pie is moulded and baked. Send to the table with a crab-, oyster- or anchovy sauce or else with a sauce made as follows and of which, as usual, a few cupfuls are put into the pie: Lightly brown some flour in butter and stir with it bouillon, salt, mace, lemon peel, or instead of the latter some of the pickle; when crab tails or pickerel livers are handy, chop and add them to the gravy; they should not be cooked but stirred in at last.
  • Some of the forcemeat can be reserved and colored red with the crab butter or else it may be colored green by the addition of spinach, which has been cooked and rubbed through a sieve. Then roll the forcemeat into little balls the size of marbles, but cook in meat broth or salted water and put them into the gravy; into the latter stir some finely chopped parsley and the yolks of a few eggs.

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