Home-made Good Chicken Soup Recipe

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By admin
July 26, 2022

This soup is one of the best homemade chicken soup recipes available. It is packed with tons of goodness, including vitamins and minerals that will help your body heal itself.

The recipe is simple to make, but it does take time to prepare it. You’ll need to start by cooking some chicken breasts in a frying pan until they are cooked through and browned on both sides, then shred them up into pieces so they don’t get too dry while they cook.

Next, you’ll add the vegetables included in this recipe: carrots (which are packed with vitamin A), celery (packed with vitamin C), potatoes (which contain potassium and other nutrients), and onions (which are rich in Vitamins C and B6).

You can season this soup with salt and pepper if desired, but most people enjoy adding their own spices to suit their taste! If you want to spice things up, even more, try adding red pepper flakes or paprika for extra flavor!

Good Chicken Soup

Good Chicken Soup

Few things taste as good as homemade chicken soup during the winter months, especially when it's made from a family recipe.
Course Soup
Servings 5 people


  • 1 Whole chicken cut up in pieces or chicken bones
  • 1 tbsp Salt
  • Noodles or rice
  • 1-2 stalks Celery
  • 1/4 cup Parsley
  • 3 quart Water
  • 3-4 Carrots
  • 1 White onion


  • Take a large fat fowl which has been killed the day before and care-fully pick it clean and wash thoroughly in cold water. As fowls occasionally impart a stronger flavor to soups, it is well to keep them in cold water for 15minutes or so. The feet of the fowl can be utilized, if desired, by scalding them in boiling water, then take off the skin,chop off the points of the toes and put the latter in the soup with the heart and stomach of the fowl.
  • The liver should be kept, back until the last and cooked in the soup about 3 minutes before serving. All chicken or poultry soups gain strength if the breast piece is first cut our with the bone, the legs and wings are parted at the joints and all other larger bones are cracked.
  • Put the fowl on the fire in 3 quarts of water and shoul it be an old one the water must be cold; add a little salt skim with reference to pouring off the broth and browning the flour; then add a piece of fresh butter the size of a large walnut and let the soup cook slowly but ininterruptedly for about 3 hours, keeping the kettle tightly covered all the time.
  • Rice, pearl barley or fancy noodles can be cooked with the soup if wished, but of vegetables the only proper kinds are parsley roots, salsify or asparagus. Celery, leeks and onions are too strong for the delicate flavor of the chicken soup
  • Crab dumplings or Crab butter are excellent in a good chicken soup; a trifle of mace is an appropriate seasoning for chicken soup, or instead of this a little finely chopped parsley and the yolks of 1-2 eggs can be stirred into the soup.
  • Soup cooked according to the above direction, but without the addition of either noodles, rice, etc., leaving it entirely clear with all the fat taken off, and thickened simply with lightly browned flour, then adding 4 yolks of eggs whipped with 1 cupful of sweet cream or a glassful of Rhinewine and furhtermore adding the roast meat of the chicken, which has been chopped very finely and passed through a strainer, makes what is known in Germany as "Queen's Soup".
  • Another German method is to omit the beaten yolks of eggs and instead to mix the grated yolks of a few hard boiled eggs with the chopped meat of the chicken and then to heat them both in the soup. In some kitchens a glass of champagne is added before the soup is served.
    The fowl may be served with the chicken gravy, or if the roast meat has been used in the soup, the remainder can be used for chicken croquettes.

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