Learn how to make a delicious Sauteed Eggplant Recipe in the comfort of your home. Our simple, healthy recipe is sure to please even the pickiest members of your family as it packs an amazing punch of flavor.
Sauteed Eggplant Recipe is a vegetarian dish that is popular all over the world. Delicious and simple, it’s a healthy way to eat your vegetables. This recipe is definitely a great way to try eggplant. It’s delicious, easy to make, and healthy.
Egg Plant.
Eggplant, when cooked properly, can be wonderfully soft and tasty!
- Egg plant
- 3 tbsp Butter
- Bread crumbs
- 1 tbsp Salt
- Vinegar and Pepper
- Of this vegetable, those shaped like a cumber and of a violet color, and the white kinds are considered the best, but both varieties must be thoroughly ripe.
- Otherwise they are quite apt to have a bitter taste.
- To cook them first cut into halves the long way, make a few incisions into the pieces, turn them m bread crumbs, melted butter, pepper and salt, and then brown slightly in the frying pan.
- Or else cut into slices, season with salt and a little pepper, brown lightly with butter in a frying pan and serve with tomato sauce.
- If the egg plants are pickled for a few hours in vinegar, salt and water, they can be made into a very appetizing salad by the addition of either eggs, cresses, etc., with vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper.